Notebook entitled, 'Fractionation of Polythene Experiments'

Master of Technical Science thesis entitled: "History of Fenton Murray & Wood"

Thesis entitled: "The Distribution of Electricity in Rural Areas 1926 to 1963 An Investigation"

The Application of Computers to Taxonomy by Peter Henry Andrews Sneath

Kompleks kompensator, system Gall. Fabrikat H. Tinsley & Co., London. Betjeningsforskrift og beskrivelse

Beregning af lange sporisolationer

Bestemmelse af afledningen i en lang sporisolation ved hjaelp af emperemeter og voltmeter

Photograph album entitled, 'The Daily Graphic Plastics Exhibition'

Volume entitled: "Structural Air Raid Protection in England and Abroad"

Comptometry notebook kept by Miss L. Mason

Volume entitled: "The Foundations of Telephony, the Telephone and its Inventors"

Volume entitled 'Brighton Hove & District Omnibus Co. 8 Trolley Buses, Description Maintenance Instructions and Spare Parts Lists'

Wright Aeroplane 1903 - Miscellaneous Details

Wright Aeroplane 1903 - Miscellaneous Details

Model of Planet Locomotive 1830

Model of Planet Locomotive and Tender 1830

Lines as Taken Off the Remains of the 7th Century Saxon Burial Ship at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk, August 1939

General Arrangement & Development of Details of the 7th Century Saxon Burial Ship at Sutton Hoo, Suffolk, August 1939

Details of Planet Locomotive

Sheer Draught for Model of P.S. "Great Western" (1837)

Souvenir programmes for Bradford Odeon cinema

Volume titled 'Newman's Indian Bradshaw, A Guide for Railway Travellers in India No 879 February 1939'

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

350kW steam turbine and generator spindle arrangement drawing

350kW steam turbine and generator General Arrangement drawing

‘The Proceedings of The Institution of Electrical Engineers’

'Radio Division 37 Staff Statistics'

Simpson Compound Beam Pumping Engine 1882 - Staging and Staircase

Kitson Steam Tram Engine 1880

Boiler Details of Planet Locomotive

Stanhope Gig with Dennett Springs

Masts, Yards, etc of "H.M.S. Endeavour Bark" 1794

Volume titled 'Electric Railways in India' by Shiv Narayan

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

Photo showing the opening of Engineers' Day exhibition by President of Pakistan in presence of HM Queen & Duke of Edinburgh

350kW steam turbine and generator bill of material for oil & steam piping arrangement

350kW steam turbine and generator oil & steam piping arrangement drawing

350kW steam turbine and generator blading arrangement drawing

Photograph of Wilf Higgins

Long service certificate awarded to William Howard

Collection of QSL Cards

AVRO Manchester Tender Specification